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Index of Book Selections

God and Man - Masahisa Goi

Prayer for World Peace

One Who Unites Heaven and Earth - Masahisa Goi

Childhood, Part I
from Heaven and Earth Become One

The Spirit of Lao Tsu - Masahisa Goi

Chapter 1: The Nameless is the Beginning of Heaven and Earth

The Future of Mankind - Masahisa Goi

All Things Are Advancing Toward Great Harmony

The Principle Behind the World Peace Prayer Movement - Masahisa Goi

How did we Lose the Spirit of Love?

The Story of Anan: Book 1 - Masahisa Goi


Living Like the Blue Sky - Masahisa Goi

from Be Honest with Yourself

How to Develop Your Spirituality, Vol. 1 - Masahisa Goi

from Focus on the Real You

Essays on the Bible, Vol. 1 - Masahisa Goi

from The Sermon on the Mount I: The Beatitudes

Anan: Book One - a novel by Masahisa Goi

from Chapter 1: Princess Sondari and Masla

The Golden Key to Happiness - Masami Saionji

Chapter 2: Your Thoughts Create Your Life

You Are the Universe - Masami Saionji

from Chapter 2: Invite Happiness with the Law of Effect and Cause
from Appendix VI: Questions and Answers about Mandalas

Think Something Wonderful - Masami Saionji


Vision for the 21st Century - Masami Saionji

Activating the Power of Love

Cries of Life - Masami Saionji

There is Meaning to Your Life

Evolving with the Universe - Masami Saionji


Living in the 21st Century: An Era of Consciousness Transformation - Masami Saionji

Words Are a Sacred Energy

The Earth Healer's Handbook - Masami Saionji

Chapter 3: The Bears and the Whale

Infinite Happiness - Masami Saionji

Chapter 7: Listen to Your Healthy Heart

Genes and Cosmic Essences - Kazuo Murakami & Masami Saionji

Leaping into Our Sacred Consciousness (from the Epilogue by Masami Saionji)

Essentials of Divine Breathing - Masami Saionji

The Prayerful Nature of Breathing (from chapter 2)

The Principle of Effect and Cause - Masami Saionji

From future to present to past (excerpt from chapter 1)

Life and Choices - Masami Saionji

We Create Our Own Life (excerpt from chapter 2)

You Can Change the World - Ervin Laszlo

May Peace Prevail on Earth—A Call to Action by Masami Saionji

Angels of the Cosmos - Masao Murata

from Chapter 1: Boarding the Space Vessel

Communications with the Spiritual World, Book One - Masao Murata


Children Who Went to the Spiritual World, Book One - Masao Murata

from 'The Angel and the Mystery of the Red Tulip'

I Heard It Like This: The Wisdom of Masahisa Goi - Hideo Takahashi

Numbers 31-51

One Life - Hideo Takahashi

"One Life"

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