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Living Like the Blue Sky
five talks by Masahisa Goi
US $7.99 Paperback, $6.99 E-book
Paperback, 212 pages
ISBN: 978-1-48180497-4
During the 1960s, Japanese philosopher Masahisa Goi gave hundreds of informal talks to small groups of people, on topics ranging from personal matters to broader issues like peace on earth, spiritual development, the structure of the universe, and life after death. This book highlights five talks that focus on living life with a big heart, a calm mind, and a free spirit—in other words, living naturally. In his gentle way, Goi Sensei gives us the key to this way of living, so that everyone can live like the clear blue sky.

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  E-book: EPUB | Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | iBooks | Kobo | Nook
    Paperback and Kindle editions also available from Amazon sites in other countries. EPUB edition is compatible with iBooks, Nook, Kobo, Sony Reader, and most other e-book devices (except Kindle).

Other Editions
Japanese (Yū yū to shita ikikata)



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About the author

Masahisa Goi
Born in Tokyo, Japan on November 22, 1916, Masahisa Goi was a poet, philosopher, writer and singer. Though he aimed at a career in music, he found himself spontaneously drawn to the realms of philosophy and spiritual guidance. At the age of thirty he attained oneness with his divine Self. Before departing from this world in 1980, he named Mrs. Masami Saionji, his adopted daughter, as his successor and leader of the world peace prayer movement that he initiated.
More Information

from the Introduction

This book highlights five talks that focus on living life with a big heart, a calm mind, and a free spirit—in other words, living naturally. It is for this reason that the book is called Living Like the Blue Sky.

To ‘live like the blue sky’ means to live as Goi Sensei himself did—naturally, spontaneously, and in tune with the divine mind. It is, as Lao Tsu said, ‘to act in no-action.’ In this free-flowing approach, we take life just as it is, casting our ‘self’ or ‘ego’ into the divine mind, with the firm belief that the infinite divine mind will arrange everything in the best way possible. There is no anxiety, impatience, or pretence—only a heart that is bright, clear, and wide open, like the blue sky itself.

In his gentle way, Goi Sensei gives us the key to this way of living, so that everyone can live like the clear blue sky. It is our hope that this book will help all those who read it to open up a bright and wonderful future for themselves.

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