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Evolving with the Universe
Masami Saionji
US $10.99 Paperback, $6.99 E-book
Paperback, 200 pages
ISBN: 978-1-5086-4590-0

Why are we human beings still living according to materialistic principles? What is keeping us from evolving into a more advanced, harmonized, and peaceful civilization?
In Evolving with the Universe, Masami Saionji gives us pause to reflect on our true human nature, the relationship between ourselves and others, and our daily way of living and thinking. Her truth-filled messages take us on a journey deep within, to a place where we transform our thought-habits and reclaim our responsibility as citizens of Earth. In doing so, each of us begins to lead humanity forward on its evolutionary path, toward a higher-dimensional consciousness and a world of lasting peace and stability.

To Order
Paperback: Amazon (US) | Amazon (UK) | B&N
  E-book: EPUB | Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | iBooks | Kobo | Nook
    Paperback and Kindle editions also available from Amazon sites in other countries. EPUB edition is compatible with iBooks, Nook, Kobo, Sony Reader, and most other e-book devices (except Kindle).

Other Editions
French (Évoluer au rythme de l'univers)
Italian (Evolvere con l'universo)
Polish (Ewoluujmy wspólnie ze Wszechświatem)
Portuguese (Evoluindo com o Universo)
Spanish (Evolucionando con el Universo)



Evolving with the Universe

The Creative Power of Consciousness

Know the True 'You'

Believe in the Power within You

Live Freely in the Present Moment

Turning Misfortune into Joyfulness

Be Your Own Leader

Making the Most of Life and Death

All of Us Are One Life

Breathing with the Universe and Expanding Our Divine Consciousness

Peace-Minded People

Read a Selection


About the author

Masami Saionji
Descended from the Royal Ryuku Family of Okinawa, Masami Saionji was born in Tokyo, Japan. While in her teens she came in touch with the peace vision of philosopher Masahisa Goi, who later designated her as his successor and adopted daughter. She heads several peace organizations, and travels extensively on speaking and seminar tours.
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