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How to Develop Your Spirituality, Volume 1
Masahisa Goi
US $10.00 Paperback, $6.99 E-book
Paperback, 136 pages
ISBN: 978-1-4992-3853-2
Even if we have found contentment in our own individual life, we cannot truly be happy when we see that many people in the world are suffering. Masahisa Goi holds that the only way we human beings can rise above our troubles and bring peace to the world is through the development of our spirituality. He proposes a simple method, based on the prayer May Peace Prevail on Earth — a method that is easy to practice yet holds a high and pure vibration, and can be adopted by people of all cultures, religions, and walks of life.

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  E-book: EPUB | Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | iBooks | Kobo | Nook
    Paperback and Kindle editions also available from Amazon sites in other countries. EPUB edition is compatible with iBooks, Nook, Kobo, Sony Reader, and most other e-book devices (except Kindle).

Other Editions
Japanese (Resei no kaihatsu)



Freedom of Mind

Focus on the Real You

Spiritual Awakening

The Bright Light Beyond the Subconscious

Prayer for World Peace

Self-Power and Other-Power

Developing Your Spirituality

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from 'Focus on the Real You'

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'Developing Your Spirituality'

About the author

Masahisa Goi
Born in Tokyo, Japan on November 22, 1916, Masahisa Goi was a poet, philosopher, writer and singer. Though he aimed at a career in music, he found himself spontaneously drawn to the realms of philosophy and spiritual guidance. At the age of thirty he attained oneness with his divine Self. Before departing from this world in 1980, he named Mrs. Masami Saionji, his adopted daughter, as his successor and leader of the world peace prayer movement that he initiated.
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from the Preface

Realistically speaking, most of us find that we have our hands full just trying to feed ourselves and our families, and it is no easy matter for us to steadily devote ourselves to self-perfection. On top of that, how inexpressibly difficult it would be to try and work for the good of society as well! This is something that pains the hearts of conscientious people and deepens their anxieties even further.

This collection of essays was created for conscientious people like this, and it is also meant to reconcile the minds of the masses of people on earth who are still, for the most part, hoping to catch hold of whatever worldly benefits they can. Although the method it proposes is an easy one to practice, it is also a worthy one, and is explained from various angles.

Even if it may be easy to practice, unless a teaching resonates with a high and pure vibration, it cannot satisfy the intellects of responsible and conscientious people. In creating this method, from start to finish, my intention was to faithfully reflect the divine mind, without clashing with humanity’s day to day way of living. What emerged was the method of prayer for world peace—a practice that enlightens the individual and humanity as a whole, both at the same time. A large number of people have already concurred with this method and made it their own.

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