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白光真宏会 出版本部

GOD and MAN  英語版 「神と人間」
五井昌久 著
Translated by Kiyoshi Emi and Mary McQuaid
定価 1320円(本体1200円+税10%)送料250円
新書判変形 白光出版に在庫があります
ISBN 978-4-89214-137-9
Revealing our true connection with God and our guardian divinities and spirits, God and Man provides a clear picture of the spiritual dimensions of the universe and tells how we may transcend karmic cycles to attain our natural state of infinite love, wisdom, and joy. Contains an invaluable appendix of the author's answers to students' questions, and a supplementary article by Masahisa Goi entitled "Prayer for World Peace."
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Chapter 1
For the Future of Humanity
Chapter 2
The Relationship Between God and Human Beings
Chapter 3
Real World, Spiritual World, Subconscious and Physical Worlds
Chapter 4
Guardian Divinities and Guardian Spirits
Chapter 5
How to Overcome Karma
Chapter 6
True Religions and Mistaken Religions
Chapter 7
My Method of Prayer
Chapter 8
Questions and Answers
Prayer for World Peace

神と人間 B6判 日本語


五井昌久 (ごい まさひさ)

from Chapter 1
Why is it that today’s lifestyle, with gas, electricity, running water, trains, cars and airplanes, where people can attain almost anything they wish for with the power of money, leaves them just as mentally insecure as they were in non-civilized times? It is because in the present age, as in ancient times, people’s lifestyles do not rest on a firm foundation.

People feel vulnerable, threatened by crisis situations that could bring destruction in a moment, even tomorrow. No matter how much the superficial standard of living might improve, unless we resolve such problems as warfare, natural disasters, the suffering of illness, the inequalities of life—and the most fundamental one, which is the fear of the death of the physical body—humanity will not find happiness.

Will it ever be possible to extinguish such miseries as warfare, natural disasters, the pain of illness and the agony of death? To this I reply Yes, it is possible.

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