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Selection - The Future of Mankind

All Things Are Advancing Toward Great Harmony
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Thoughts and Vibrations
Ordinary people think that only what they see and hear with their physical eyes and ears are real. However, compared to the infinite vibrations which exist in this world, what we hear and see with our physical eyes and ears are very minimal. In this connection, what are the measures of waves which we can see with our physical eyes, in other words, how much of these invisible rays can we see? It is said to be of wavelengths between 380 and 780 microns which is an insignificant portion of the variety of waves and wavelengths known to science today.
Therefore, ordinary people see and hear those insignificant portion of waves which flow throughout this world and simply neglect the other majority of waves as being nonexistant.
The science of our present world has greatly advanced. With radios and televisions that make use of waves which flow through empty space, we are able to transmit affairs which occur in the far distance before our very eyes. We are trying to transform the lifestyle of this earthly world into something even more convenient and valuable by catching the waves which cannot be perceived by our eyes and ears. But on the other hand, depending on how the waves which flow throughout the universe are used, there is a method in which one can change the thoughts of another exactly according to one’s own wishes. At present, this method is being conceived by the science camp of the Soviet Union. If such a method is developed and abused, there is a chance that world mankind will have to operate exactly according to the wishes of the Soviet Union.
It is to such an extent that the waves which flow throughout this universe have enormous utility values. Your moment to moment thoughts, as well, flow throughout this universe as being wave vibrations themselves. The wave vibrations which you emit unite with the same vibrations put out by others around the world. These similar thought vibrations work in unison to influence those who have emitted them initially as well as those throughout the world with similar thought vibrations.
People simply do not realize this concept is similar to the theory of electrical shock; the work of invisible wave vibrations. Although the flow of electricity is materialistic and the flow of thought waves are spiritual, they are both equivalent in terms of being law.
It is not uncommon to feel the thoughts of others who are far away or for a certain person to appear while you have been talking about him. We can also sense the atmosphere of a given situation by catching the thought vibrations of a certain person or place.
Unique people who are psychic, sense thoughts which can· not be perceived by ordinary men. They can conceive the conditions of people in remote areas and see into their minds. What this means is that the body of ordinary man, scientifically speaking, is much like a magnetic field through which electric currents are flowing. We can understand this concept clearly if we replace electrical currents with thought currents and say that thought currents transmit to the magnetic field of others. If for example, the magnetic field of an ordinary person is as wide as a three-fold circle, his thought currents will influence the magnetic field of others while circulating within the circumference of this circle. The magnetic field of psychics, however, expands to a circle which is five-fold and even eight-fold wide. Their thought waves are transmitted to the magnetic field of others even more rapidly than that of ordinary people.
Therefore, they can quickly perceive what ordinary people are yet unaware of and learn of world events and destinies of people before they manifest.

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