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Selection - Think Something Wonderful

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What words did you choose for step 2? There are a great many choices. For example, you might think: I am a good listener! Or, you might think: You (the other person) have dignity. I respect you very much! and so on.
Now, imagine that you are feeling grumpy, out of sorts, or anxious. You don’t have any particular aim in mind—you just want to improve your mood. Try thinking of some words that will help you change your way of thinking, and use them in step 2.

1. Inhale thinking: I am one with the universe.
2. Pause and think: ______________________ (your own, original words)
3. Exhale thinking: I am one with all living things.

What words did you use this time? Perhaps you thought: May all people be happy! Or, perhaps you simply said to yourself: Think something wonderful!

Think something wonderful! What a powerful phrase! We can use these words whenever we are seeking light or inspiration. If we focus all our energy on these words, and concentrate on them with all our might, something wonderful will indeed pop into our mind—perhaps now, or perhaps later on, when we least expect it.
In the pages that follow, you will find a variety of positive words and phrases that you can use. On many of the pages, you will see a blank line for step 2. This means that it is up to you to create your own original wonderful words and phrases. If you are looking for ideas, please refer to the lists of words in the appendices.
As we continue to think of more and more wonderful words, it will soon become a habit. I promise that if you continue this method for six months, you will find that no matter how dark the situation may look, you are able to send out bright, positive thoughts at all times.

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