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The Spirit of Lao Tsu
Masahisa Goi
US $10.00 Paperback, $7.99 E-book
Paperback, 192 pages
ISBN: 978-4-89214-186-7
"Lao Tsu is a true divine being—a person of perfect freedom... The difference between the spirit of Lao Tsu and the 'isms' of today is like the difference between the mud underfoot and the sky overhead..." This classic book vividly reveals Lao Tsu's way of mui, a path that supersedes thought and action, and which remains an essential teaching in today's world.
Translated by Robert Stevenson.

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  E-book: EPUB | Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | iBooks | Kobo | Nook
    Paperback and Kindle editions also available from Amazon sites in other countries. EPUB edition is compatible with iBooks, Nook, Kobo, Sony Reader, and most other e-book devices (except Kindle).

Other Editions
Japanese (Rôshi kôgi)


1. The Nameless is the Beginning of Heaven and Earth
2. The Sage Is in the Realm of No-action
3. It Is Not Known Whose Child I Am, but I Am the Image of What Came before the Ruler
4. Heaven and Earth are Not Benevolent
5. Heaven Is Eternal, Earth Is Long
6. The Highest Good Is Like Water
7. Practice the Void in the Extreme
8. That Which Is Broken Is Made Anew
9. Become the Same in Loss as the Person of Loss
10. Independent of It There Is No Change, Wherever It Is Practiced There Is No Danger
11. Nothing Is Abandoned, Nothing Is Discarded
12. Return to the Unlimited
13. One Who Knows Oneself Is Enlightened
14. The Way Is Vast Yet Can Move from Left to Right
15. If You Take the Great Elephant Out into the World with You
16. The Highest Virtue Is Not Virtuous—Hold This and You Have Virtue
17. The One of Old
18. It Is as if the Great Creation Were Lacking

Read a Selection

Chapter 1: The Nameless Is the Beginning of Heaven and Earth

About the author

Masahisa Goi
Born in Tokyo, Japan on November 22, 1916, Masahisa Goi was a poet, philosopher, writer and singer. Though he aimed at a career in music, he found himself spontaneously drawn to the realms of philosophy and spiritual guidance. At the age of thirty he attained oneness with his divine Self. Before departing from this world in 1980, he named Mrs. Masami Saionji, his adopted daughter, as his successor and leader of the world peace prayer movement that he initiated.
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from the Prologue
by Masahisa Goi
unfathomable and vast
his spirit
beyond time and space
his strength
moving the very soul
he links human beings to the universal origin
Lao Tsu now within me
his infinite echo draws near

Lao Tsu is a person of true freedom—a truly divine being. Achievment of true freedom requires total mastery of the way of mui (no action) taught by Lao Tsu.

Lao Tsu wields words of illumination to teach human beings about what is most important. I, in turn, have attempted to interpret these words in my own fashion to make them more readily understood by the modern reader. I sincerely hope that these essays on Lao Tsu will assist the reader in bringing out his or her inner, divine self, and in directly sensing the resonance of the universal source.

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