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Selection - You Are the Universe

from Chapter 2: Invite Happiness with the Law of Effect and Cause
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The principle that I uphold is that human beings are children of the infinite, divine universe, and are originally formed of light and light alone. If you accept this principle, it naturally follows that everything you need exists within your infinitely brilliant inner light. Consequently, however hard and painful your present experience might be, you will definitely rise above it someday. As soon as you awaken to your true identity as an infinite, universal being, your original nature will be able to manifest itself through your physical existence.
Infinite happiness, infinite provision, and infinite flourishing—all these are included in your original being. Your true self can only live brightly and exuberantly. Your true self can only be happy, healthy, and alive with energy. You are originally filled with deep and abundant love, warmth and compassion. Your true self is by nature perfectly free, and knows no such word as ‘impossible.’ This is who you really are. This is the real you and the real me.
If your present situation is one of pain, anguish, injury, illness, or frustration, it is not a reflection of your true self. If you fix your attention on your present situation, saying that you are unhappy, that your life is hell, that you want to die, you will be unable to move forward. Before doing that, before doing anything, you must first concentrate on freeing yourself from negative thought habits as quickly as possible. To do this, you must thoroughly and completely transform all your thoughts into bright ones. And for that, the first step is to awaken to your true identity.
Continually remind yourself that you are a brilliantly shining light, an infinite being. Ask yourself if it makes sense for an infinite being to suffer. Ask yourself if it makes sense for there to be anything beyond the comprehension of an infinite being. Ask yourself if it makes sense for an infinite being to believe in the pain of illness. In this way, make up your mind to transform all your thoughts to bright waves of light alone.
Up until now, nearly all of your consciousness may have been oriented toward thoughts of pain, sorrow, inadequacy, and unhappiness. But you can completely reorient your thinking so that it is entirely attuned to the infinite divine light, love, and power of the great Universe. As you get into the habit of doing this, you will gradually be freed from the fixed notions that pervade your subconscious. Step by step, those preconceived, restrictive notions buried deep in the recesses of your mind will be dispelled and purified. Step by step, you will be spontaneously enlivened and guided forward by the bright, positive energy surging forth from within you. The elements that constitute a bright lifestyle will naturally be drawn toward you, and they will take shape in your future.

The Recovery of Lost Intuition
Every day, as I observe the web of confusion in people’s hearts, I long to help disentangle it as much as I can. This is why I urge all people to rediscover their forgotten truth at the earliest possible moment.
Strangely enough, the moment of awakening occurs unexpectedly, in the space of an instant. True awakening is not the product of long-term effort, patience, or study, nor does it come with acquired knowledge. As long as you try to discover it with knowledge, it will stay out of your reach.

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