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Think Something Wonderful
Exercises in positive thinking
Masami Saionji
US $11.99 Paperback; $6.99 E-book
Paperback, 222 pages
ISBN: 978-1-5328-3490-5
This handy little book offers exercises in positive thinking combined with a simple yet effective breathing method. Its eight chapters offer exercises designed for specific purposes, such as overturning unwelcome circumstances, praising and encouraging ourselves, honoring other people and nationalities, and expressing gratitude to nature. Additional examples of positive words and expressions are provided in four useful appendices.

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Paperback: Amazon (US) | Amazon (UK)
  E-book: EPUB | Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | iBooks | Kobo | Nook
    Also available from Amazon sites in other countries. EPUB edition is compatible with iBooks, Nook, Kobo, Sony Reader, and most other e-book devices (except Kindle).

Other Editions
Chinese (Sikao meihaode shiwu)
French (Créer des pensées merveilleuses)
Hebrew (Niflaot hahashiva hahyuvit)
Japanese (Kokyuho ni yoru plus shiko no training book)
Portuguese (Pense em Coisas Maravilhosas)
Spanish (Piensa en Algo Maravilloso)

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Part I: Overturning Unwelcome Circumstances

Part II: Praising and Encouraging Yourself

Part III: Honoring Your Own Name

Part IV: Honoring Someone Else’s Name

Part V: Honoring Nationalities

Part VI: Thanking Nature

Part VII: Thanking Our Bodies

Part VIII: Thinking Something Wonderful

Appendix I: Expressions for Overturning Unwelcome Circumstances

Appendix II: Positive Words

Appendix III: Nationalities

Appendix IV: Expressions Starting with “Wonderful”

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About the author

Masami Saionji
Descended from the Royal Ryuku Family of Okinawa, Masami Saionji was born in Tokyo, Japan. While in her teens she came in touch with the peace vision of philosopher Masahisa Goi, who later designated her as his successor and adopted daughter. She heads several peace organizations, and travels extensively on speaking and seminar tours.
More Information

from the Preface
by Masami Saionji
Nowadays, more and more people are becoming aware of the incredible creative power that we exert with our thinking. Bright, positive words are especially powerful. They emit enormous energy which creates a joyful future for ourselves and the whole world. If we truly wish to be happy, we must use only bright, inspiring, wonderful words at any and all times.

Start by thinking just one bright thought. Then think just one more. Think bright thoughts one at a time, minute after minute. Gradually, your way of thinking will begin to change, and with it, your personality, your habits, and the atmosphere
around you. If you steadily continue doing this without giving up, you will absolutely see an important change in your life. And in changing your own life, you will also make a change in the world.

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