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The Principle behind
The World Peace Prayer Movement
Masahisa Goi
US$ 7.00
Paperback, 47 pages, bilingual Japanese/English
ISBN: 4-89214-158-5
A bilingual book in Japanese and English: This classic work discusses the importance of each person's thought vibrations in determining the future of that person and humanity on earth. A simple prayer method is introduced, based on the words "May peace prevail on earth."

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- Relationship between the Individual and Humanity

- Our Thoughts are also Linked

- How did we Lose the Spirit of Love?

- The Importance of Thought Vibrations

- Simultaneously Uplifting the Individual and Humanity

- Brightening our Minds and our Environment

- Purifying Thought Waves is the Main Principle

- Our Responsibility as Members of Humanity

Read a Selection

How did we Lose the Spirit of Love?

About the author

Masahisa Goi
Born in Tokyo, Japan on November 22, 1916, Masahisa Goi was a poet, philosopher, writer and singer. Though he aimed at a career in music, he found himself spontaneously drawn to the realms of philosophy and spiritual guidance. At the age of thirty he attained oneness with his divine Self. Before departing from this world in 1980, he named Mrs. Masami Saionji, his adopted daughter, as his successor and leader of the world peace prayer movement that he initiated.
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On Thought Waves
Sound and light waves, transmitted via radio and television, are constantly flowing through the air. But unless you switch on the equipment to start the electric current, and adjust the dials to receive the various sound or light waves, no sound will be heard and no images will be projected.

Human thought vibrations are exactly the same. While the vibrations we have emitted are travelling around the earth, the thought vibrations of all humanity are flowing toward us at the same time. We tune in to them with our consciousness.

The thought vibrations of all humanity are circulating around us, but only those we are "dialing" or "tuning in to" will influence the course of our lives.

When you think about this principle, you can see that even the smallest thought activity cannot be neglected. Its effects will surely come back to the individual, while at the same time influencing humanity in general.

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