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Activating the Power of Love / 愛の力を自分で引き出す
English/Japanese bilingual booklet
Masami Saionji
US$6.99 Paperback / $3.99 E-book
Paperback, 53 pages
ISBN: 1-4196-5079-3
From Masami Saionji's book Vision for 21st Century, this popular chapter on Activating the Power of Love offers insight on the infinite wisdom, power, and love that reside within us. In English-Japanese bilingual format.

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Paperback: Amazon (US) | Amazon (UK) | Amazon (JP)
E-book: EPUB | Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | Kindle (JP) | iBooks | Kobo | Nook
  Paperback and Kindle editions also available from Amazon sites in other countries. EPUB edition is compatible with iBooks, Nook, Kobo, Sony Reader, and most other e-book devices (except Kindle).

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Bilingual English/German
Bilingual French/Japanese
Bilingual Portuguese/Japanese

About the author

Masami Saionji
Descended from the Royal Ryuku Family of Okinawa, Masami Saionji was born in Tokyo, Japan. While in her teens she came in touch with the peace vision of philosopher Masahisa Goi, who later designated her as his successor and adopted daughter. She heads several peace organizations, and travels extensively on speaking and seminar tours.
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The reason why we exist here, in this present moment, is to draw out and plentifully express love to our children, our parents, our husbands, wives, partners, and large numbers of people. We were born so that we ourselves, and all the people around us, might know true and lasting happiness.

Despite what we may think, it is not difficult to express love. All we need to do is wish, from the bottom of our hearts, to love ourselves and love others. This heartfelt desire, in and of itself, will cause love to well up from within. Not only that, when we are able to continually manifest love with our whole being, no one will be able to invade our hearts with violence, nor will we ever feel that that we have anything to lose. Even if we are living in the midst of poverty, war, or disease, if we continue to manifest love, our inner dignity can never be shaken.

No one can teach us to express love, for it is not a power that is acquired from the outside. It is a power that wells up from within. The power to express love is the power to draw out and manifest our own life-energy.

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